История солдата
As the Chief of Staff of the 571 Independent Communication Aviation Squadron, he commanded 4076 flight missions during the Patriotic War.
Боевой путь
С августа 1944 года по май 1947 года вместе с 74 - й пехотной и 19 - й танковыми дивизиями отправился в Румынию, Болгарию, Югославию, Венгрию, Австрию и другие страны.
После войны
Comrade Peter Mihalovich Brahovich was born on May 1, 1913 in Kiev, Jewish, with higher education.He is proficient in Ukrainian language, Russian and German.His son was born in 1934, and his daughter was born in 1936.In 1935, he received higher military education in the Ukrainian National Sports Institute, and in 1936, he studied in the Military Navigator School until he completed his education in 1938.Before receiving military education, he worked as a skilled worker in the aircraft factory and automobile factory in Kharkiv from 1929 to 1935.After the war, he served as the head of sports training in the Red Army and often received dispatch from the Red Army.On July 12, 1958, he retired from his service in the Red Army in Riga City.Later, he moved back to Kiev with his family from Odesa and lived in Marx Street.